Hello everyone! As we approach the end of this series, I reflect on my enriching experiences throughout the Summer of Bitcoin.
In a nutshell, this journey has been nothing short of spectacular, brimming with learning opportunities. Interestingly, my most profound insights stretched beyond the realm of technical know-how acquired during the internship.
Let's delve deeper into these revelations.
1. Open Source Etiquette: The Unwritten Code
Self-reliance: The essence of open-source lies in self-dependence. It's unrealistic to always await assistance for every small hiccup you encounter.
Respect: By respect, I imply valuing others' time, cherishing the insights from their code reviews, and understanding their priorities. Since the open-source community thrives on voluntary participation, the journey forward is challenging without mutual respect and empathy.
Code of Conduct: Adherence to the established code of conduct, whether of a repository or an organization, is non-negotiable.
2. The Art of Communication
Efficiency in communication demands clarity. Always frame your messages with ample context, ensuring the recipient grasps the essence at first glance. A pro-tip? Never assume recall of prior conversations or contexts. Refreshing memory always aids in smoother communication.
3. Change in Mindset
On a personal front, Python was my initial foray into programming, followed by an excursion into front-end development via JavaScript and React. The Summer of Bitcoin project saw me dabbling with Kotlin, enhancing my proficiency in the JVM ecosystem.
While the buzz around Rust, popularized by platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and YouTube, piqued my curiosity, a broader realization dawned upon me: the tech world is vast, with myriad tools and languages sculpted by ingenious minds. My newfound mission? To fortify my understanding of computer science fundamentals. To ride the wave of evolving trends, a deep-seated comprehension of the underlying mechanics is pivotal. Such a foundation will equip me to critically assess innovations and truly appreciate breakthroughs.
This mindset metamorphosis owes much to the impeccable engineering marvels within the Bitcoin and Lightning ecosystems.
As I wrap up my reflections on the Summer of Bitcoin, gratitude fills my heart. A heartfelt thank you to Adi Shankara, the stalwart SoB Lead, Bastien Teinturier, my invaluable mentor, and the vibrant Bitcoin community that has graciously embraced me.
Thank you, dear readers, for accompanying me on this enlightening journey.
PS[02/12/2024] - When I published this blog originally on hashnode, I used their AI to enhance the blog. I feel, I should've kept it raw with basic formatting. Simple things made complex.